Oh what a great weekend! I went to Costco and bought 40 lbs of meat. (stocking up our little Deep Freeze.) We went to Dinner with my mom and dad on Saturday night. Sunday we went to Sacrament (the kids fell asleep and I thought Nay Nay to class I was not going to torture my self on Mothers Day.) The Peterson Party was first we went to the park and had ham funeral potatoes, moms famous rolls and salads and then Nana got her self a Wii and a pair of pants (the pants were from me how boring I know.) It was then time to go to the Cook party where we ate once again roast potatoes, jello and rolls and then Gayle (mother in law) opened the quilt we made her with the pictures of the all the grand kids on it.
I got my mothers day last weekend because we thought Jake would be working the weekends. I got an outside bench that is cute and perfect for the front of the trailer. well I hope everyone else had a wonderful mothers day!
Hey!!! You should post a pic of your bench! I really want to see it! I bet it's way cute!